Humanity Before Vanity.

The information here is not intended to be critical of other methods, it is intended to give a definition of the terms for both groomers and canine guardians.


I have used the term “restraint” as that is the term majority of groomers use

I refer to dogs in the masculine but equally applies to male and female"

Force/Fear Free Consent/Cooperative Grooming Introduction:

"Firstly, force free and fear free grooming is rare. Whilst some dogs may enjoy the process, many others would choose not to be groomed, given the choice. Once the collar/harness is applied by the guardian, to bring their dog to the groomers, freedom of choice is removed and this becomes the first part of the force concept.

Force/Fear free are terms that have migrated from the canine training/behavior world. However, most groomers who call themselves “force free” (or fear free, holistic, consent based, canine permission based, etc) are actually referring to is cooperative grooming."

Cooperative Grooming Techniques & Explanation:

"Cooperative grooming isn’t just about not using safety restraints. It is an holistic term which incorporates:

I suspect most groomers will use some of these techniques!

Cooperative groomers find these methods of grooming causes less stress for both themselves and the dogs they groom, and as he is cooperating rather than fidgeting, struggling, trying to pull limbs away, snapping, biting, etc.,, find that the grooming time is reduced along with the wear and tear on their body.

Using cooperative grooming doesn’t mean that we don’t address welfare issues though. If he is completely matted we will use restraints/muzzles to get as much done as possible, but will insist on working with him to build his confidence before his next groom is due."

Consent Based Grooming Explained:

Consent based husbandry is nothing new, and there has been a big increase in these techniques over the last 10 years. More recently, there has been a growth in consent based grooming because it can, and does, make a massive difference to dogs with grooming anxieties. It can be the difference between being able to groom the dog safely (in terms of both dog and groomer) or not grooming the dog at all.

Consent based grooming can be likened to a dentist telling you to raise your hand if you are uncomfortable when he/she is carrying out a procedure. It doesn’t remove the fear, but allows you the ability to keep it at a level you can cope with. This empowers you and places you in control of what is happening – and likewise with dogs.

Consent Based Techniques Includes:

Method/Technique & Benefits:

All these methods allow the dog to perform an action which indicates that they need a break. It may only be 15 seconds but this gives the dog the opportunity to regroup and settle before continuing, thus reducing their anxiety levels.

Using these techniques can reduce the grooming time drastically, once taught. Teaching some of the methods are quicker than others but they can be demonstrated to guardians and they can help to train their dogs at home. Alternatively they may choose to bring their dog more regularly so that the groomer can do all the training.


It is rare that any of these techniques are needed throughout the groom, it may just be to clip off, to dry, or do feet or face.

It may be that the dog’s is not totally fear free whilst using these techniques, but it gives them a coping mechanism without which we would need to use more force than the dog is able to cope with, leading to a stressful groom for both dog and groomer, and potentially resulting in injuries to both.